A day biking in Ardèche Hermitage

A day biking in Ardèche Hermitage

Escape for a few hours for a whole day biking and have some fresh air. Take a break on the roads of the famous Ardéchoise, follow the meanders of the Rhone River with the bike-road ViaRhôna, go discover our vineyards in hillsides with an electric powered bicycle, ride like a pro along our enduro itineraries! Depending on your abilities and desires, tourist on a bicyle or accomplished athlete, you will find a path that suits you!

ViaRhôna, from one shore to another

A 21 kilometer ride, following the Rhone River, from one shore to another, an adapted cycling path, marked and secure. A path adapted for biking as a family, a nice loop that goes on old towpaths, on the shores of the river. Starting from Tournon-sur-Rhône, (Quai Farconnet parking area), you will follow the itinerary la vélo-route ViaRhôna, heading South. In case you don’t have a great sense of direction, you just have to follow the tide. In Mauves, you will ride along the Pierrelles Lake before you get to the Orchards. Once in Glun, the path will take you to the dam, then you will use a short portion of departmental road. Then the ViaRhôna will take you to the Musards pond, an ideal spot to take a break for lunch or a for a snack. Then it is time to go back to the D220 departmental road for about one kilometer. After you crossed the bridge, you will go down along the left bank of the Rhône, against the flow, heading to Tain l’Hermitage. The Hermitage Hill in sight, you can keep riding tranquilly, around the curves of the wild Rhône river. The scent of chocolate will guide you to the not to be missed Cité du Chocolat, a good excuse for a cultural and gourmet stop. In the center of Tain l’Hermitage, follow the 8 mai 45 Square, then la rue des Herbes until you reach the gateway Marc Seguin on which you can safely cross the Rhône river. Ideal for a nice ride, this itinerary will satisfy your need for outdoor, regardless of your level of experience. Mind the weather however, it can get a little windy in the Rhone River corridor, the Mistral, strong wind coming from the North, might make the way back a little more challenging.


Véloroute Viarhona in family
E-bike in the Crozes-Hermitage Vineyards

Between Vineyards and Orchards  with an electric powered bicyle

This path comes from the guide “Roulez branché, 20 balades à vélo-électriques en Ardèche Hermitage ». A 39 km itinerary with an ascending elevation of 570m, it is a ride of about 3 hours.

This panoramic ride offers stunning points of view of the Rhone valley on the first part of the ride with a return along the river.

Departing from the center of Gervans (the square in front of town hall), you will start by going up to reach the route des Planards and its beautiful panorama. The electronic support will allow you to go up smoothly so you can enjoy the view.

In the middle of the Rhône river you will see the famous “Table du Roy”, named after the passage of  the king of France Saint Louis who halted there for lunch. Lookouts one after the other, Méjeans, Pierre Aiguille, offer a stunning view on the meanders of the Rhone river, vineyards, orchards … A mandatory stop at the Chapelle de l’Hermitage, at the top of one of the most beautiful vineyards in the world, mother of the legendary appellation l’Hermitage. Then you will go back to the center of Tain-l’Hermitage. Take a refreshing break on the Taurobole square, with its fountains and water misters, before you cross the Rhône river on the gateway Marc Seguin. At the end of the bridge, turn right and you will find yourself on the famous vélo-route ViaRhôna, joining the Léman lake to the Mediterranean sea, that you will follow until the town of Arras sur Rhône.

Then you will take the D800, the road of the dam. After that, turn right on Route Saint Antoine to reach Erôme. Cross the N7, continue straight until the Red Bridge. Turn right following the Chemin des Impaillots until Gervans. Make a few gourmet stops at the domains that are on your way, take a break to discover the Castle of Tournon and/or the Eden Garden. A day with an electrically assisted bike, a perfect combo between panoramas, bucolic landscape, delicacies, oddities and authenticity.

Between vineyards and orchards

A day biking, on the roads of the Ardéchoise

Ah ! The Ardéchoise, if you are into long bike rides, you must have heard of that cycling event. It is the largest amateur cycling race in Europe that receives 15000 cycling fans every year. A true cycling celebration, taking place in Saint Félicien, Ardèche village of 1200 inhabitants.A day biking on the Ardèche roads might make you want to sign up for the next edition.Riding along these mythic roads following the Doux river, an 85 kilometer loop departing from Saint Félicien. Don’t be fooled by the name of this trail that isn’t actually that easy : it has an ascending elevation of 1917 meters! Following these small roads with little traffic, you will pass by 5 mountain passes including 2 stunning climbs offering beautiful panoramas on the Massif Central and the Alps. Departing from the Ardéchoise’s house, you get straight to the point by following the D273 heading to the Col du Buisson. Then you will go down to Lamastre and Desaignes, a picturesque village ranked among the most beautiful villages of Ardèche. After, you will keep going up passing by Labatie D’Andaure, and then Lalouvesc. Then you can finally go down! Last effort following the D273 heading to Saint Félicien passing by the charming village of Pailharés.This itinerary is only one among the 93 itineraries of the Ardéchoise. A trail selection with an ascending elevation that will warm up your thigh muscles. Famous passes and hills will make biking fans happy. So, are you ready for the trail? You can sign up over here.

the Ardéchoise cycle race
VTT trail in Ardèche Hermitage

Mountain bike trail, « les Collines de Sable »

Mountain bike amateurs will not be left out in Ardèche Hermitage with 34 trails and 740 km of waymarked paths on 2 “VTT-FFC” certified sites : Drôme des Collines and Pays of Saint-Félicien. Offer yourself a moment of freedom, riding stunning single-tracks!

Les Collines de Sables,a pretty trail of 31,5 kilometers, 605 meters of ascending elevation, a technical itinerary, because of its sandy soils typical of the Herbasse area. Sandy sediments, last evidence of the presence of the sea 16 million years ago.

Departing from Saint Donat, Chabran bridge, follow the marking n°12. You will go through the Bois de Sizay, a pretty forest of deciduous trees of 120 hectares.

Challenging uphill paths, nice trails and mostly, a surprising change of background throughout your ride. From sandy soils to a Mediterranean vegetation, this trail will surprise you with the diversity of its landscape. After 7.5 kilometers, you can make a stop to discover the “1001 Cornes” park (1001 horns), an astonishing place created by aficionados, committed to the protection of animals in extinction.

After 24 kilometers, the Church of Saint Andéol with a beautiful panorama on the Vercors and picnic tables, an ideal spot for a break. Biking will make you hungry ! A tasteful advice : make a little detour at the maison Ronjat (closed on Thursdays) in the center of Saint Donat to discover their specialty : the pogne Donatienne.

Practical information for biking lovers :

Bike rides lovers, find all our ride offer on the site : : https://rando-ardeche-hermitage.fr/en.

City bike, mountain bike, enduro, share sportive moments in Ardèche Hermitage, a full-scale playground, for a day or two. If you’re into electrically assisted biking, our guide “20 balades à Vélo électrique en Ardèche Hermitage” is for sale for 2 euros in our offices,  you can download the sheet and gpx for free on our website.

Cycling holidays ? For those who wish to go roaming, maps of the “voies vertes” : ViaRhôna, Dolce via and Vallée de l’Isère are also available for free in our offices. Sidonie shares with you her family trip Train de l’Ardèche and Dolce via.To answer all your questions, Damien, biking expert of our area, will be happy to share with you his good advice.

Book your holidays Ah ! Biking in Ardèche Hermitage ;)