Our app : Rando Ardèche Hermitage
Sport person or not, hiking can be your good resolution of 2022 ! Our app is made for you ! You can uploaded it for free thanks to the Apple store or Play store and you are good to go ! There are tens of itinerary available : by foot or bicycle, make your choice all over our area.
Open the app, choose your way thanks to different filters : duration, elevation gain, pedestrian way, electric bike or not, etc. … When you are done with this, upload your itinerary : no need to be online after ! Kepp only the GPS tracking.
Now, you just have to follow the indication given by the app and enjoy your hike !
The website Rando Ardèche Hermitage
Soon available in English

Perrine takes you for a hike into the Drôme des Collines
The Drôme des Collines is certainly the greener and most rolling countryside of our area. And, after the Chrismas Hollidays, I think it can be perfect for me because of every wonderful meals I ate … It’s time to go for fresh air ! The weather is good and it’s a real advantage to keep my good resolution !
As I already use every guide I have, I decide to choose one itinerary from the app rando-ardeche-hermitage. I scroll all over the app and I upload the itinerary of my choice : Barthernay , here I come ! I never hike into this area so it’s the perfect opportunity to discover something new .
Bathternay is a little village in the heart of the Drôme des Collines. I park my car in front of the city hall and I start this loop, made of 17 Kms !

Ok … I can tell than you are a little afraid by this number ! But don’t worry ! Me too ! That’s why I study the map to find a shorter way : I decide to do only the half of it ! Thanks to the geolocation, it’s really easy to follow my progression and to be sure of my way ! I’m totally in love with this app !
The beginning of the way is the hardest part ! I go up and I pass along some incredible houses. Before the church, I enjoy those troglodytic houses made from “mollasse” stones (sand stone). It’s just unbelievable !
First stop at the church : a Romanesque art church from the outside but totally gothic in the inside ! This wonderful monument gives also a nice view on the neighbouring countryside. I follow the road and, at the top, I take a minute to enjoy the view on the Mont Froid. Even during winter time, the Drôme des Collines is still green but a little morning fog gives a mystical mood !
I’m now in the middle of the forest. I go down the village. The forest surrounds the path, making a kind of arch, simply beautiful with the sun. It’s my favourite portion of the hike !
As I decided earlier to take a short cut, I’m now on the road in order to come back to the village of Barthernay. I pass in front of the wildlife park of 1001 Cornes. This park has a mission : take care of every race of goats and sheep. Closed during wintertime, it’s an amazing place for family when it’s opened. You can stroll around, have a picnic and your children can go to the 1001 park carresse ! Meet the animals !
I finally arrived to the village ! 1st hike of the year : check ! Thanks to this, the year 2022 start in a very good way !
You can stay longer at Barthernay because 3 additional hikes are located here !
Around the village, you can discover another kind of wildlife park : a parrots park. During summer time, at the parrots park at the village of Bren, you can appreciate the friendship between parrots and the trainer. A very respectful show is organised every day during the season.
Be filled with wonder thanks to this amazing area of the Drôme des Collines in Ardèche Hermitage : villages like Saint Donat to discover, wildlife park, hike … Everything is possible !
Top 5 visit ideas around Saint Donat sur l’Herbasse
Enjoy your journey in Ardèche Hermitage !